2010 Boxing Round of the Year Award
The Round of the Year award in boxing is all about capturing the best three minutes of action. That’s 180 seconds, and in that time span, anything can happen in the squared circle. These magical rounds can happen in an otherwise boring and meaningless bout, although usually the best rounds come in the best and biggest fights, and represent a microcosm of all of the other action in the contest. With all of that said, which fighters will have their work showcased as the winners of the 2010 Round of the Year in boxing? Check it out below!
Round Three: Juan Manuel Marquez vs. Michael Katsidis

Pacfans around the world must have been on their feet in rapturous delight when Michael Katsidis put Juan Manuel Marquez on his butt with a hard left hook in the 3rd Round of their November 27th encounter. They would soon be bitterly disappointed. Marquez got right back up on his feet and displayed why he is the reigning King of Mexican Boxing.
He did not grab on to Katsidis until his head cleared, nor did he run away. Instead, Marquez gave ground grudgingly, firing back at every opportunity. That Marquez had been hurt was proven when, back against the ropes, Katsidis wobbled him with a second left hook.
Yet by the end of the round, Marquez had clawed his way back and was standing toe-to-toe with Katsidis and landing the harder punches. In one action-packed round, Michael Katsidis showed us why he is considered a dangerous contender and saw both the impressive recuperative powers and the sheer grit of Juan Manuel Marquez.
While there were many other notable and exciting fights and rounds in 2010, Round three of Marquez vs. Katsidis gets the nod as the 2010 Round of the Year in boxing.
Thanks for checking out this installment and be sure to check out the complete list and collection of the ProBoxing-Fans.com 2010 boxing awards!