Write about Boxing with ProBoxing-Fans.com
Welcome to the ProBoxing-Fans.com boxing writers page. Here, you can take a look at the current members of our team who continue to provide great coverage and write about boxing for the quickest growing boxing site on the web today.
For fight fans who are passionate about boxing and know the sport, then we’re looking for people just like you to come join the team. We have boxing writing jobs available for those who are willing to commit to the site and for those who are looking to gain exposure with our burgeoning audience.
![]() | Jake Emen: Owner & EditorJake Emen is a lifelong boxing fan and has experience both participating in and working in the sport. He launched ProBoxing-Fans.com in August of 2009, and in addition to managing the website, he’s a freelance writer across a variety of online and print outlets, including serving as a long-time contributor to Yahoo Sports. Jake talks all things food and drink over at Man Talk Food, and he also runs a Washington DC SEO website to help small businesses with online marketing. He currently resides outside of Washington, D.C. |
![]() | Emmanuel Cervantes Mejia: Staff WriterEmmanuel Cervantes Mejia is a passionate boxing fan with experience participating in the poetic sport. With the desire of staying relatively close to the world of boxing, he is elated to be writing for ProBoxing-Fans.com. He currently has a collection of poetry published and has completed a novel as of March 2015. He resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. He can be contacted directly at: cafeofwords@gmail.com. Visit his blog here. |
![]() | Richard Corley: Staff WriterRichard is a long-time boxing fan with an extensive magazine collection to prove it. A sports enthusiast and current college administrator, he became enamored with the Sweet Science while watching Mike Tyson fights in the ‘80s. He is thrilled to have his writing featured on ProBoxing-Fans.com and looks forward to becoming a regular contributor. He currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina and can be reached at richard-corley@sbcglobal.net. |
![]() | Alex Weber: Staff WriterAlex Weber is an avid sports fan with a passion for boxing, EPL soccer and the NBA. He is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University where he earned his Journalism degree in August 2015. He was a member of NKU Men’s soccer team from 2010 – 2013 where he won a NCAA Division II National Championship his freshman year. He resides in the St. Louis, MO area and is excited to be contributing to ProBoxing-Fans.com. He can be reached at webera3@nku.edu. |
Former Writers & Occasional Contributors
If you’re interested in writing about boxing for ProBoxing-Fans.com, then please contact us. We are always looking for more enthusiastic fans and knowledgeable boxing insiders to come and share their knowledge and love of the sport. ProBoxing-Fans.com is the best place to find great boxing writing jobs on the web today.