Live Mayweather vs. Guerrero Round by Round Results
On Saturday, May 4, Showtime PPV presents Floyd “Money” Mayweather (43-0, 26 KOs) vs. Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero (31-1-1, 18 KOs) in a WBC welterweight title fight. Mayweather vs. Guerrero has been highly anticipated for months… can Guerrero be the first to defeat Mayweather… will Mayweather continue his streak of dominant performances?
Right here, you’ll find the answers to those questions with our continuously updated, live Mayweather vs. Guerrero results and round by round blog. We’ll also be providing full coverage on the entire undercard, highlighted by the intriguing Abner Mares vs. Daniel Ponce de Leon title clash.
Mayweather vs. Guerrero Scorecard
Round | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Total |
Floyd Mayweather | 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 117 |
Robert Guerrero | 9 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 111 |
Mayweather vs. Guerrero Round by Round Blog

Rd 1: Each man is feeling the other out at the start here. Trading jabs. Guerrero wastes no time getting inside for the clinch. Mayweather already looking for the straight right. He lands it, Guerrero goes to the body. Mayweather leads with a straight right. He does again. Guerrero counters and clips him. All lead rights for Mayweather. Action slows a bit. Mayweather’s round, 10-9
Rd 2: Mayweather backs into the corner immediately, and Guerrero starts going to work and he lands a nice combination. Mayweather turns him around, the two paw at one another. Now Mayweather initiates the hold and clinch. Guerrero charges, Mayweather averts and gets back to center ring. Guerrero doing good work here. Mayweather doesn’t quite look steady yet. Mayweather looking to establish his jab. Lands it. Guerrero really trying to time Mayweather’s right with his own counters. This was a close round, Guerrero did good work here, 19-19.
Rd 3: Mayweather with a nice right hand that lands. Then Guerrero presses a bit, chases, misses. Mayweather on the retreat, circling. Mayweather in the corner. Guerrero getting inside and getting a bit rough. They trade jabs. Mayweather with another straight right. Guerrero opens up and they trade, the crowd responding. Mayweather leads with the right, Guerrero dodges. Guerrero jabbing, follows with his own straight shot. Mayweather leads with the right again, Guerrero misses his counter, barely. All right hands from Mayweather. Mayweather’s round, 29-28.
Rd 4: Guerrero on the offensive to begin Round 4. Mayweather seemingly taking a rest. Guerrero lands a left. Mayweather retaliates right away with two big shots. Each man looks like he felt what landed. Mayweather jabs now, Guerrero tries to get underneath. Then comes forward and misses with a 1-2. Mayweather leads with the right. He’s leaning back and just waiting to unload that lead right. Guerrero gets him to the corner though, and begins landing big shots. They trade hooks. Mayweather continues waiting for the right. His round. 39-37.
Rd 5: Guerrero gets a glimpse of Mayweather in the corner and then goes to town. But the ref breaks them up. Mayweather gets away, lands a big straight right counter. Guerrero feels it. They get back to center ring. Guerrero lands a nice punch, bulls Mayweather to the corner, Mayweather turns away. Guerrero with a few good body shots. Mayweather lands another couple of right hands. Guerrero lands a shot, Mayweather pushes him off. Mayweather lands a thudding right to the body. That hurt Guerrero. So Mayweather goes upstairs. Mayweather’s round, 49-46.
Rd 6: Mayweather seems like he’s really getting into his groove right now. He’s feeling it. He’s using a bit more movement, and hopping around as he sets up his shots and make Guerrero miss. Guerrero still active but looking a bit frustrated, he’s at a loss. He’s still in there, but he’s tired of not being able to get anything done. He comes forward, Mayweather sticks a right in his face. Mayweather backs to the corner, Guerrero doesn’t even bite on it. Mayweather jabs forward. Then lands a straight right. His hands are down at his waist, it’s ridiculous. Mayweather’s round. 59-55.
Rd 7: Guerrero is finally able to pin Mayweather to the ropes. He sticks his forearm out and then goes to work with his right hand, to the body and upstairs. Mayweather lying back there, finally gets back to the center of the ring with some help from the ref. Guerrero really trying to rough him up now though. He’s getting dirty in there and trying to bust Mayweather up. Now Mayweather has his gloves and guard high. Shows you that Guerrero did good work there, and he probably won the round. 68-65 for Mayweather.
Rd 8: The pace settles down a bit here. Guerrero has a cut from a punch. It’s bothering him, he’s starting to cover up a bit more. Mayweather picking away at it. Guerrero jabs. Bounces around, jabs, jabs again. Jabs to the body. Mayweather answers with a right. A right to the body. And a right upstairs. And now a big right hook, and Guerrero’s hurt. Crowd goes crazy. Guerrero is stable but Guerrero is definitely hurt. Big Mayweather round. 78-74.
Rd 9: Guerrero is behind but he’s not out, and he’s not done trying. He’s pressing and throwing. Mayweather playing the matador right now. Guerrero gets him to the ropes and throws to the body, the ref breaks him. Guerrero trying to get rough, Mayweather answering with his own big shots. Guerrero looks for a hook. Mayweather tries to time him on the way inside. Guerrero gets him back to the corner again. Mayweather shoulder rolling and waiting, luring him in. Mayweather with a stiff right hand. Guerrero throwing away in the ropes though. Guerrero real active here. Guerrero gets him back to the corner again. Guerrero takes the round with sheer work rate and aggression here, 87-84.
Rd 10: Guerrero continuing to keep up the pressure and the activity in Round 10. Guerrero goes to the body, Mayweather misses with a counter upstairs. Mayweather blocks Guerrero’s incoming shots. Lots of tying up and clinching here. Mayweather’s activity has definitely dipped over this round and the last. He’s just looking for a few pinpoint shots. Guerrero throwing more. Mayweather jabs. Jabs a couple of more times, landing. Mayweather turns him around. Gets Guerrero to the ropes, landing 1-2s. He’s just bending down and waiting to land that straight right. Close round, but Mayweather’s. 97-93.
Rd 11: You can see that Guerrero is getting a bit desperate. Mayweather’s letting him come inside to pick him off. Mayweather’s now starting to add hooks and uppercuts in addition to the straight right. He’s opening up. They clinch up. Mayweather teeing off. Guerrero still coming forward, but Mayweather seemingly cruising. He’s really feeling it now. Uppercuts, bouncing around. Mayweather’s round clearly, 107-102.
Rd 12: The two men exchange a quick friendly greeting at the start of the round. Mayweather using more footwork here in the 12th. But he’s clowning a bit too and just messing around. Guerrero still looking to get in there. Mayweather’s riding it out at this point. But both men still throwing. They trade at the bell and each lands a few shots. Guerrero raises his hands in triumph after the fight, not quite sure why. Mayweather takes the round. has the fight scored 117-111 for Mayweather.
Official scorecards: 117-111, 117-111 and 117-111 for Floyd Mayweather.
Undercard Results & Fight Night Updates
11:50 pm – Guerrero enters the ring stoic, calm and focused, ready for business. He gets a warm reception. Mayweather gets a huge reception of both boos and cheers. He’s wearing a black and yellow leather robe of some kind, and has Lil Wayne along for the ride, walking with him and rapping his entrance.
11:46 pm – National anthems are over. Ring walks are next…
11:31 pm – Mares defeats Ponce de Leon via TKO9. The main event is next, probably in 15 minutes or so.
10:46 pm – Fighters making their ring walks, so we’ll get to the co-feature in just a few moments.
10:31 pm – Santa Cruz vs. Munoz is over, and Ponce vs. Mares will be coming up next!
10:06 pm – We see Mayweather and Guerrero entering the arena. Guerrero is stone-faced, Mayweather is all smiles. Rosado vs. Love was a nice start to the evening, and Santa Cruz vs. Munoz should be underway in just a moment.

Abner Mares vs. Daniel Ponce de Leon Round by Round
Rd 1: Mares begins the fight throwing combinations and jumping in and out. He’s leading, and Ponce de Leon is winging big shots in return. All Mares here so far. Ponce starts wading forward more effectively. Mares throwing crisp, accurate shots compared to De Leon launching one bomb at a time. Round to Mares, 10-9.
Rd 2: Ponce working his counters more effectively and taking Mares out of his rhythm a bit. Mares though still doing nice work. Now he lands a very nice straight shot that backs Ponce up. Ponce on the ropes, firing back to the body. Two very nice rights from Mares. And then Mares sends him down with less than 10 seconds left in the round! Ponce is hurt but more seemingly disappointed. 20-17 Mares.
Rd 3: Mares definitely feeling in charge here. He can force Ponce back to the ropes, land his combinations, get out of harm’s way. Ponce looks a bit lot right now. We’ll see if he can adjust. Right now it’s all Mares. Ponce looks to go to the body. Starts getting back to his 1-2s. Mares backing off a bit, likely just pacing himself. Mares takes the round from his early work, 3o-26.
Rd 4: Mares continues dictating the action, although he’s slowed down a bit compared to his early work. Ponce begins to find his groove with his own combinations. He has his legs back and is pressing forward a bit, also continues to do good body work. Suddenly Mares blasts forward and lands two good punches. The two men bull around a bit. Likely still a Mares round, although it was Ponce’s best thus far. 40-35.
Rd 5: Ponce continues investing with his body punches, hoping that provides dividends later. Mares meanwhile landing the cleaner, harder shots upstairs. The two get tripped up and have to be separated. Ponce definitely getting into the fight here. Mares with a left hook. Ponce just looking and timing for his straight left. This was a very close round, I’ll give it to Ponce. 49-45.
Rd 6: Mares doing a good job returning the fight to his terms here. Ponce staying competitive right now, but Mares is choosing to box and avoid too much chaos on the inside. The body punches from Ponce are still landing though, and they already seemed like they took something out of Mares. This has been another close round, but Mares takes it on his ring generalship. 59-54.
Rd 7: Mares still trying to keep his distance here and slow things down. Ponce turning up the heat though. Mares goes down from a low blow, takes a knee. The ref doesn’t call a penalty though. Ponce applies the pressure after. A round for Ponce. 68-65 for Mares.
Rd 8: Ponce the more active fighter here. He’s winging some major combinations. Mares staying behind his jab mostly. Now he comes forward and applies pressure, gets Ponce to the rope, lands a nice right hand. Then a left hook. Now they’re back to trading combinations. Mares edges the round, but a close one. 78-74 for Mares, and he’s looking gassed.
Rd 9: The fight is getting a bit more rough and tumble. We have some head butts here. More holding and hitting. The fighters are getting tired, and sloppier, and more willing to go for it. Mares lands a very nice right hook. Ponce answers right back. And then Mares send him careening straight down to the canvas! He’s up immediately and takes his standing 8 count. Mares with another big right hook. Ponce is hurt against the ropes. He’s in trouble. Another big right. And Jay Nady waves it off! Ponce de Leon complains and holds his hands up, but he was in big trouble there. Maybe a bit of a quick stoppage, but right now I think it was justified.
Mares TKO9 De Leon
Leo Santa Cruz vs. Alexander Munoz
The fight opens up with a swift fight. Santa Cruz the bigger man, and looks more robust and energetic. He’s moving up to a new weight class here, but Munoz has no experience here, and he’s an older guy. Santa Cruz decks him with a nice right hand already, which grabs his attention. Probably throws close to 100 punches in round 1.
All action here in round 2, with both men throwing tons of punches and just planting their feet in the center of the ring and trading. Santa Cruz getting the better of things, but both men trading serious leather right now.
The pace continues in Round 3. Santa Cruz finally sends him down via accumulation as much as anything at the end of Round 3. Munoz gets up swinging close to the bell, but he was hurt.
Wow, it’s like this fight was a mismatch, eh? Who knew? Santa Cruz pouring it on in round 4. Really laying into him, repeatedly staggering him with big shots. He survives the round, but he looks just about done.
Corner almost stopped it after round 4, and should have. Munoz gets sent down in the 5th, and the referee waves it off, thankfully. It was getting ugly.
Santa Cruz TKO5 Munoz
Santa Cruz is a very talented fighter, and he’s great to watch. But can we please see him in there with a top level opponent?
J’Leon Love vs. Gabriel Rosado
I’m pretty excited for this fight. Interesting match with a lot at stake for both men, and there’s been a lot of tension between them in the build up.
Each man looks to establish his jab at the start. Rosado’s jab can hang with the speed of Love, but his offensive fluidity and overall reflexes don’t. Love slicker, a more well-honed fighter, lengthier. No surprises really in a feeling out type of first round.
Love establishing himself and setting the pace and distance of this fight. Rosado not applying much pressure or attacking too much. Love is getting off first, staying in the center of the ring, and controlling things here. Rosado finally does some nice work with about 10 seconds left in round 2, and connects with some solid shots on the inside.
Rosado working harder and looking to get more active. Love becomes more active in return. Rosado lands two nice right hands, shakes Love up. But beyond a few solid punches, Love is consistently doing the better work. He does have a bad tendency to stick out his head though, and Rosado is taking advantage of that at times. Fight starting to have much more ebb and flow.
Love is shutting down Rosado’s offensive bursts. Lots of circling, jabbing, backing up. He’s sticking with his jab and keeping Rosado away, by and large. Rosado at a loss to generate consistent and effective attacks. Love’s advantage increasing now that we’re through Round 6, although Rosado starts to display some urgency and make an effort to really press. And then boom! Rosado drops him with a straight right hand at the sixth round bell! Love is up, but he’s hurt.
Round 7 begins and Love looks to reestablish himself. But Rosado finding a home for that straight right hand. The pattern in this fight is continuing though, with Love controlling more of the round, but Rosado doing more damage with occasional effective bursts. In the 8th, the two men begin with more heated exchanges. Love starts landing the more telling blows, and has Rosado rocked by the bell.
Round 9 takes things to a new level, with both men throwing head-turning bombs. As they trade and exchange, Love begins to get the worst of it. He’s a bit wobbly and begins to back off and return to circling and dancing, avoiding that incoming fire.
The 10th and final round begins. Rosado seeking to land his big right. Love trying to keep the pace down and jab. At the final bell, the two men stand and trade. This is a fight that really could go either way. So many close rounds.
Official judges scorecards: Split Decision — 95-94 Rosado, 97-92 Love, 95-94 Love
J’Leon Love wins via split decision
Of course, be sure to keep on checking back with us over the next few days, for full post-fight aftermath, analysis, coverage and more. Thanks for checking out our live Mayweather vs. Guerrero results and round by round.