The third episode of Floyd Mayweather vs. Victor Ortiz 24/7 aired this Saturday evening on HBO, prior to the broadcast of the Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Ponce De Leon bout. In Mayweather-Ortiz 24 7 episode 3, we move closer to fight night, as the September 17th showdown is now just one week away. Take a look at our full recap of 24-7 Mayweather-Ortiz right here.

We begin the next episode of Mayweather Ortiz 24/7 by taking a look back at all of the action from last week. We see the Mayweather and 50 cent cash cell phone conversation, the Ortiz-De La Hoya pep talk, and more. Then we get started with what’s going on this week…
It’s Labor Day, and we’re at Camp Mayweather, with Mayweather and his team coming to the gym. Mayweather is fed up with all that he has been hearing about Ortiz and his back story. He basically says something to the effect of every black kid raises himself without parents, what’s the big deal.
Then he begins a workout and works with mitts with his Uncle Roger, goes on the speed bag and so forth. For an extra jolt before the end of his workout he starts sipping Mountain Dew as he works the speed bag. I guess that’s the secret.
After the training session, it’s a Labor Day barbecue with Team Mayweather, and he’s hanging out with his family and friends, and everyone has a good time.
Be sure to check out our full Mayweather vs. Ortiz preview & prediction, and on fight night, check back with for our live Mayweather vs. Ortiz results and round by round coverage!
Then we move to California and the Ortiz camp, and we see him enjoying some down time. Ortiz enjoys himself but also puts in some time volunteering with some kids and hangs out with them. They talk some trash about basketball teams and he gives the kids some advice.
Now it’s media day in Ortiz’s camp, and there’s a throng of reporters watching Ortiz go through his motions. Trainer Danny Garcia doesn’t care about all of the attention and all of the media, and their only job is to get ready for this upcoming fight. We see Ortiz shadow boxing and working on the speed bag.
After that, the Mayweather gym is open to the media, and Floyd does what he does best, put on a show. He works the mitts with Roger while shouting and talking trash, he poses for photo ops, goes through a Q&A with media and more.
Floyd says there are no hard feelings with his father and he wishes him nothing but the best, and makes light of their situation. Then he says he is tired of hearing Ortiz’s back story, and that the show makes it seem like he had an easy childhood and woke up as a multimillionaire, when in fact his father was in prison, they didn’t have any money, and down the line from there.
Mayweather and some friends and entertainers are at a dealership, and he decides it’s time for a new ride. So he puts together a trade for a brand new Rolls Royce for one of his Bentley’s. The car is delivered, he signs some paperwork, hands over a pile of cash to make up for the difference and it’s a done deal. He’s hanging with Ray-J amongst others, who then gets on the piano and puts on a show for team Mayweather.
With Team Ortiz, his trainer Garcia is watching old Mayweather fights with his sons. They joke about the most dangerous thing about Mayweather being his elbow, with the referee lets him get away with all the time. But he says the most dangerous thing about Ortiz is “todo”… everything.
It’s the last full week of training for Ortiz and his camp. He says that he is very content with how he is, and that everything is going great, he’s in top form. He’s sparring with a collection of guys including Stevie Forbes. We see some good footage of Ortiz sparring, and Ortiz says that Mayweather isn’t bringing anything new that he hasn’t seen. Mayweather is a human being and he’s nothing special, and while Mayweather is 41-0 there hasn’t been a Victor Ortiz in that bunch.
We’re back in Vegas for Mayweather-Ortiz 24/7 episode 3, and Mayweather is driving around in his new sparkling white Rolls Royce. He talks about the most important thing being that he ends up happy, and that his fans are the most important thing, but it’s himself and his family first.
Then we see Mayweather talking on Skype with some US troops in Afghanistan, which we saw some photo-ops for before. Then Mayweather’s fiance gets on camera at request from some of the soldiers. When asked about his motivation, he holds up a pile of cash.
Then he goes walking with the troops. He carries around his laptop and shows his house to them and his cars, but then the connection goes out. It comes back and he shows them his movie theater, his crazy huge closet and shoe collection, the bedroom, the gorgeous fiance again. But he’s serious too and tells them thank you for everything they do and that he’ll be working even harder because of them.
Back in camp Ortiz, and we see him working hard with a sledgehammer and with all other kinds of tools and equipment. But it’s time for a day off, and everyone agrees that Ortiz has earned out. So, they go out on an early morning fishing trip. They all catch some great fish and everyone hangs out and has a good time.
Ortiz says that Mayweather thinks he has a walk in the park. Well, he has a very tough, bloody walk coming up. Mayweather says forget about his own legal trouble, his attitude, whether or not you like him, that he always comes to win and he always does.
And now it’s everyone’s favorite time with Mayweather Ortiz 24-7, the training montage. We switch between each camp and both guys are talking about the fight. We see each guy training hard and pushing through, and each has plenty to say about why they will win and how.
Thanks for checking out our recap of all of the action of Mayweather Ortiz 24/7 episode 3, and keep on coming back to for more of the latest boxing news and coverage.