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Mosley vs. Mora Round by Round Results

Shane Mosley vs. Sergio Mora – Round by Round, Results & Updates

Whether you won’t be able to catch the fights live on television, or you simply don’t want to shell out the cash on the pricey PPV, this is your place to find live Mosley vs. Mora results and round by round updates. ProBoxing-Fans.com will be covering the entire Mosley vs. Mora PPV fight card, starting with the undercard action and moving straight through the main event.

Mosley vs. Mora Round by Round Results

  • Mosley vs. Mora results are now in: Bout Ends in a Draw


Shane Mosley

Sergio Mora

Mosley vs. Mora Round by Round Recap

Alright, after lots of time wasting since the end of the Alvarez vs. Baldomir bout, Shane Mosley vs. Sergio Mora is finally ready to get underway. We’re getting the national anthems, then the ring intros and then fight time, hopefully right around 11 PM Eastern…

Mora enters the ring with a fairly stoic ring walk, and Mosley comes in with some thumping music and a much louder cheer. Make no mistake, regardless of the Mosley vs. Mora results that we’ll see in a bit, Mosley is the fan favorite at the Staples Center tonight.

Fighters are in the ring, Michael Buffer gets us through the intros, and we’re set to start….

Rd 1: The height difference is apparent right away, but Mosley isn’t having problems yet getting in, using quick forward steps and jab or double jabs. Mora doing a lot of backpedaling. Mosley more active and aggressive, landing the cleaner shots. 10-9 Mosley

Rd 2: 30 seconds of feinting followed by some holding, pausing, air jabs and resetting. A whole lot of nothing in Round 2, and the crowd appropriately boos. Round to Mosley but neither man did much.

Rd 3: They are holding and shoving each other across the ring, and Mosley is literally chasing Mora from spot to spot to attempt to engage. Mora is… trying to make it ugly? Trying to wear down the older man? Showing too much respect to Mosley? Collapsing on the big stage? Biding his time? Whatever it is, it’s not winning rounds. Mosley 10-9

Rd 4: This is downright ugly at this point. Mosley is doing his best to press the action, but Mora is unwilling to do anything besides hold and pose. Mosley finally gets a bit of space and unleashes a combination with Mora on the ropes, but not too much damage is done. More throws and (gasp) lands a right hand. We have a cut from a head butt above Mora’s right eye. 10-9 Mosley.

Rd 5: Mora’s cut is directly above the corner of his right eye. Bad spot. Might motivate him into action. Both men are a bit more willing to exchange in the beginning of the round. Mora has Mosley on the ropes, holding his left hand down below his waste. Mosley turns it around. They revert to their earlier patterns of staring, holding and moving around. Mosley gets Mora against the ropes and Mora taunts with some head shakes. Down 5 rounds to 0, not throwing punches, why in the hell is Mora taunting? 10-9 Mosley.

Rd 6: Instead of just backing up, Mora is taking shorter steps back and then trying to time his countershots. He connects on a few against Mosley. Mosley is coming in a bit more recklessly now. Still plenty of holding and hitting. Round to Mora.

Rd 7: Mora picking up the aggression a bit. He opens up with a few lead rights. Mosley decides to not just come jumping in, if that’s the case. He goes back to his jab and stays farther out of reach. Throws a left hook to the body. Mora paws with a few jabs, then ties Mosley up. Mora’s round.

Rd 8: Both men look a little tired in there. Credit to Mora’s cutman, and the lack of action, that the cut hasn’t caused any issues. Mosley more active in round 8, he’s winging some hard power shots and coming forward, but missing with most of them. He definitely looks like he’s starting to gas though, holding his hands lower and his shots are losing some zip. But he put in the work for round 8 and wins the round.

Rd 9: A whole mess of tying up, holding on and pushing off. Mosley gets Mora on the ropes and does his best Mosley 1998 impersonation, firing off an unanswered flurry. Nothing too effective though. More than Sergio, who keeps backing up, tying up, and mostly refusing to throw.

Rd 10: Hard to score fights where nothing really happens. About a minute into the round the two start getting more heated and the crowd gets amped up too. Hopefully, a lot of you guys are reading this round by round, and didn’t buy this on PPV; because it’s not worth the cash. Some of us tried to warn you. It’s actually a fight for the last minute of round 10. Close round, to Mosley.

Rd 11: If the two had fought like this for the entire fight, then I would retract my statement above. Either way, they are officially involved in a battle at this point, both men sensing that the fight is on the line. Apparently some think that Mora is evened up in this bout, but I have Mosley in a landslide. Mosley is putting in more work, landing the harder shots, and dictating more of the action. He punctuates the round with a flush straight right in the midst of an exchange, and throws more throughout.

Rd 12: Mosley is walking Mora down, coming forward, pressing on him, and throwing off some vicious hard exchanges. Mora is definitely engaged too, throwing hard shots back. Mosley gets Mora on the ropes and starts going to work, both men are throwing, but Mosley is getting the better of it. Mosley 10-9.

ProBoxing-Fans.com unofficial Mosley vs. Mora results scorecard: 118-110 Mosley

Official Mosley vs. Mora Results: 115-113 Mora, 116-112 Mosley, 114-114; bout ends in a draw

ProBoxing-Fans.com clearly saw Shane Mosley winning the fight,

and the HBO crew seemed to be in agreement. However the judges, and many other commentators and fans around the web seem to disagree. Share your thoughts on the Mosley vs. Mora results in the comments section below. You can also vote in our poll on the right sidebar.

Personally I am SHOCKED, not only at the official scorecards, but at the sentiment of many who feel Mosley lost this fight. Don’t know what fight I was watching, then….

Undercard Fight Results

Saul Alvarez vs. Carlos Baldomir

Fun fact of the night before the Alvarez vs. Baldomir fight gets underway… Baldomir was an active professional boxer when Alvarez was just two years old….

Baldomir starts the fight using his jab and pressing forward. Alvarez looks to be more inclined to use his superior speed to counter-shot Baldomir’s aggression. In the second, Baldomir backs off a bit and Alvarez gets more active, walking in with a high guard and getting the hands moving. He’s winning the rounds simply by throwing more.

With the start of round 3, Baldomir isn’t offering much, and Alvarez is continuing to pick things up further. At the end of the fourth, as Alvarez clocked Baldomir with some crisp shots, Baldomir suddenly turned it up, backed Alvarez to the rope and was swinging with some fierce intentions. He either just woke up or it was all he could muster in a short flurry.

In rounds 5 and 6, Alvarez really begins opening up and putting some leather on Baldomir. We see double uppercut combinations, lead hooks, stiff jabs, tens of unanswered punches, and then finally Baldomir gets face planted with a big left hook right before the 6th round comes to an end.

Alvarez vs. Baldomir Results: Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez Wins Via 6th Round KO

Victor Ortiz vs. Vivian Harris

During the ring-walks, Ortiz comes out to huge cheers from the Staples Center crowd, and he looks very intense and focus… let’s get to the action…

Both men are measured in the beginning, planning their shots and feeling each other out. Not only does Ortiz look perhaps a bit more muscular than he usually does, he is noticeably crisper and faster than Harris, although Harris looks in good form as well.

In the beginning of Round 2, Ortiz puts Harris on his butt with a straight left. Harris gets up quickly but looks a bit dazed.  Harris gets sent down again, this time with a right hook, and stands on rubbery legs after the action starts. He holds on but Ortiz finds his space, and puts him down a third time, with a sort of looping straight left. Ortiz steps in looking to finish the action, Harris lands a few counter shots as Ortiz lets his guard down. Round ends with a huge 10-6 potential margin for Ortiz.

The third round begins and Ortiz levels Harris with a short right hook, and a quick right uppercut on the way down, prompting a quick stop to the bout. Ortiz runs around the ring and jumps up on the ring corner turnbuckles to celebrate.

Ortiz vs. Harris Results: Victor Ortiz Wins Via 3rd Round KO

In the post fight interview with Larry Merchant, Ortiz says he is still looking to get back in the ring with Marcos Maidana, and that he very much feels back at the top of his game right now.

Daniel Ponce de Leon vs. Antonio Escalante

In the beginning of the opening bout of the PPV, Daniel Ponce De Leon is aggressive and is bringing the fight to Escalante, who is slower to get going and find his rhythm. Ponce De Leon wins the first two rounds of the bout.

In the third, Escalante begins to open up more and come forward. The two are having some spirited encounters. But then BOOM! Ponce De Leon plants Escalante on the canvas with a straight left and right hook combination, and Escalante remains on his back staring up at the lights for minutes afterward.

Ponce De Leon vs. Escalante Results: Ponce De Leon Wins Via 3rd Round KO

Thanks for checking out our live results for the Mosley vs. Mora undercard. We’re doing a full Mosley vs. Mora round by round, and we’ll be covering all of the major undercard fights as well. If you’re not buying the PPV, then this is your place to be!