AIBA overturns the result of Bout #142: Spence vs. Vikas
After reviewing the video of Bout #142 involving Welterweights (69kg) Krishan Vikas (India) and Errol Spence (USA), the Competition Jury for the AIBA has overturned the results. This is a huge verdict, as the USA Boxing team is now still alive. Spence fights on in the Welterweight division, and Vikas is sent home. Read on below for the full details of the official ruling.

– There were a total of nine (9) holding fouls committed by the Indian boxer in the third round alone. However the Referee only gave one caution;
– In the second round, at the time 02:38, the boxer from India spitted out his gumshield intentionally. However the Referee didn’t give any warning
Based on these findings, the Competition Jury Members unanimously decided the following:
– Decision #1: Based on the AIBA Technical & Competition Rules 12.1.9, the Referee should have given at least two (2) warnings to the Indian boxer;
– Decision #2: Although the boxer from India intentionally spitted out his gumshield, the Referee’s view was blocked by the boxer from the USA and was not able to see the action;
– Final Decision: Based on Decision #1, at least four (4) points should have been awarded to the boxer from the USA. Therefore the final score should be 13:15 in favor of the USA. The protest is accepted and the winner of Bout #142 is Errol Spence (USA).