Many people pegged Wadi Camacho as having a good chance to win the latest Prizefighter competition, Prizefighter Cruiserweights III. But not everyone believed he was actually one of the leading candidates to do so. At the end of the night though, it was his hand that was raised. Right here, find a video interview with Wadi Camacho as he discusses his success and the Prizefighter results from Saturday evening.
The Prizefighter competition continues to be a huge success in the UK, and something that no promoter within the US has been able to replicate successfully. And the tournaments continue churning out contenders and top fighters ready to emerge on the world scene. Wadi Camacho waded his way through the competition to win the latest Prizefighter competition, so what’s next, and where does he go from here? We’ll certainly be hearing more from him in the near future that’s for sure.