Super Six Finals Andre Ward vs. Carl Froch Results from Atlantic City:
After more than two years of scintillating, tough match-ups, the Super Six World Boxing Classic comes to a close with the highly anticipated finals match of Andre Ward vs. Carl Froch. Ward vs. Froch promises to be an extremely intriguing bout between fighters with very different styles in the ring, and very different personalities out of the ring. The winner will be the clear top dog in the super middleweight division, and right here, will take you live and ringside and provide Ward vs. Froch results and round by round coverage of how all the action plays out.
Ward vs. Froch Scores – Round by Round Scorecard
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Total | |
Andre Ward | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 118 |
Carl Froch | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 110 |

Ward vs. Froch Round by Round Results & Updates
Rd 1: Both men feel each other out at the start of the first round. They get tangled up twice already early on. Lots of Froch fans in the house, and they’re loud, but more Ward and American fans in the house. Ward lands a jab, then tries a few more, and they trade inside. Frochs winds up and misses, then jabs to the body. Froch jabs a few times, they all miss. Very quiet first round here, Ward got off first and so wins the round, but not much action.
Rd 2: Froch lands a shot to start the second. They rough each other up on the inside, both guys coming out more fiery here. Ward lands a 1-2. Ward lands a hook. Froch jabs to the body. Ward jabs a few times, misses with an uppercut. Froch swinging and missing big. Action quiets down again. They trade jabs. Froch comes forward and lands a shot. Ward hits him with a nice hook, best shot of the night so far. Froch tries to answer. Ward nails him with another hook at the bell, and the crowd erupts. 10-9 Ward
Rd 3: Froch opens up with a combination to begin the round. Ward stepping backward and not letting Froch get inside. Froch keeps missing and can’t find his distance. Ward working behind his jab, lands a lead right. Lands two left hooks, then a jab. Ward controlling the fight right now and landing the cleaner shots, but a pretty slow fight thus far. Ward making him miss a lot, then lands to the body and head. Froch lands a hook. Ward keeps coming. Another 10-9 Ward round.
Rd 4: Ward begins the fourth as the aggressor. He lands a few solid shots. Froch is looking for his uppercut a lot, but hasn’t been able to connect with it yet. Now he is throwing more, Ward is trying to block them. Froch combos to the body. Ward answers with two 1-2s. Then they clinch and wrestle around a bit more. Ward gets Froch into the corner and they are in-fighting and pushing one another, standing forehead to forehead, both guys swinging hard. Smoger isn’t breaking them at all. A Ward round, 10-9, but Froch had a few moments too.
Rd 5: Ward hooks off his jab and lands clean. Then he lands a few body shots. Froch doesn’t quite seem to know what to do. He wants to get inside but Ward is landing the cleaner shots inside. Action slows back down. Froch comes forward behind his jab. Comes forward, misses three shots but lands a fourth, maybe hurts Ward. Ward tries to answer right back, and he does with a nice hook. Froch lands to the body. Ward lands a good jab. He lands another jab and a hook. Froch comes forward and ladns, Ward answers at the bell and they stare one another down. 10-9 Ward
Rd 6: Froch getting in some effective work at the start of the sixth. Ward tries to get in, and Froch pushes him off, and they clinch again. Ward throws a combo, mostly blocked. Froch lands a few shots then moves away behind his jab. Ward pulls a Froch and winds up and misses. They get tied up again for a long time, Smoger doesn’t say a word. Ward lands a nice left hook, then comes on and gets him on the rope and lands another. Froch comes back and lands a few good shots of his own. Ward ladns a hook on the ropes, Froch answers to the body. Ward cracks him with a clean lead left hook. Ward came back to take this round. 10-9 Ward
Rd 7: Froch comes out and lands a few hard shots to start the round. Ward comes back and hurts Froch. Froch is now backing up and retreating a bit, Ward is storming in, throwing tight body shots and overhand hooks from up close that connect. Action slows down in the second half, but Ward did enough early. Froch is fighting hard, but Ward is more effective every round.
Rd 8: Not much happening at the start of the 8th. Froch complains of a low blow, Ward nails him with a lead right upstairs. Froch wades in, backs Ward into the corner, lands a shot, and the two clinch and move back to the center of the ring. Ward breaks up a clinch with a clean shot. Froch following him around right now. Lands a body shot, then lands a nice shot upstairs. Ward also lands a clean punch then pushes Froch into the ropes. They tie up again, and then again as the bell ends. Probably another Ward round. Froch throws a very, very late shot, clearly after the bell. Ward’s round.
Rd 9: Ward starts off by throwing a few hard shots, clearly wants to get back at Froch for that late shot. Then they keep their distance before Ward gets him into the corner and starts landing hard body shots. Ward starting to look a bit tired in there, but still being effective. Lands a big half jab – half hook to seal the round.
Rd 10: Action continuing with more of the same here. They keep their defense, then clinch up, and it’s Ward who’s landing the cleaner, harder shots. Froch lands a few of his own, then Ward comes over the top to land a hook, then a lead left. Ward then lands a nother hook. Froch jabs, he’s looking tired in there too but just doesn’t have an answer for how to approach this fight. He swings and misses big, another familiar sight, then Ward comes over top again with a left hook.
Rd 11: The 11th opens up slowly, Ward tries to get inside with a jab to the body, Froch pushes him off. Froch lands a few solid shots with Ward on the ropes, Ward then loads up with a huge shot and misses. Ward better not get careless here, we all saw what happened to Jermain Taylor against Froch in the closing seconds of their fight. Froch ducks down and then jumps in. They each get in a few solid shots on the break, Froch still trying to land that one mega-shot. Froch’s round, his first on my card.
Rd 12: Froch comes out bouncing on his toes and slapping his gloves, looking for the KO. He connects with a few shots and Ward feels it. Smoger stops the action after a head butt and then it continues a few seconds later. Froch coming on strong, Ward retreating. Where was this Carl Forch all night? Ward gets him on the ropes and lands a few body shots. Froch working hard but needs a miracle. He won’t get it, as time runs out. has it 118-110 for Andre Ward, with Froch only winning the final two rounds of the bout.
Official judges scorecards: 115-113, 115-113 and 118-110 for Ward
115-113 is ridiculous, especially twice. But at least the right guy won.
Undercard Coverage & Event Notes
Kell Brook vs. Luis Galarza
Kell Brook made his debut in the United States and looked to impress as he continues to climb the rankings and angle himself for a big fight. He came out strong in the first , and all of his advantages were immediately seen – speed, power, skill… basically an advantage in every department. Brook almost scored a knockdown at the end of the first but Galarza was saved by the bell.
Galarza had a few moments in the second round, hitting Brook with flush shots. But Brook had him hurt and backed him into the ropes where he poured on the pressure and connected solidly.
Brook was super confident in there, and worked behind his jab. He stayed in the pocket, made Galarza miss, then lit him up and had his way with him. He hurt him multiple times along the ropes in the fourth, but couldn’t get Galarza down.
In the fifth, Galarza had his best moments, coming out aggressive with good pressure. But Brook caught him once again and got him against the ropes, and the referee called it there. It seemed to be a quick stoppage, but at the same time, Galarza was outgunned and had no chance of winning the fight.
Yordanis Despaigne vs. Cornelius White
In an intriguing battle between two one-loss veterans, Cornelius White was able to control more of the action in a bloody, hard-hitting affair against Yordanis Despaigne. White put in some great body work during the evening, and in the final stanza, staggered a gassed Despaigne several times to seal the deal.
The official judges scorecards read 60-53, 59-55 and 59-55 all in his favor for a unanimous decision win.
Edison Miranda vs. Kariz Kariuki
Edison Miranda scored a 5th round TKO win over Kariuki. He was dictating the action throughout the evening, although it was a fairly slow pace.
He sent Kariuki careening to the canvas in the 5th with a monster shot, and then didn’t have to follow up with much as Kariuki couldn’t get it together to continue and the referee waved off the contest.
Bowie Tupou vs. Donnell Holmes
Tupou took home a unanimous decision over Holmes in a fight with both guys getting rocked and gassed by the end of the night
We’ve all been waiting to see how this one between Andre Ward and Carl Froch would play out for the Super Six tournament championship and finale. Thanks for checking out our live Ward vs. Froch results and round by round coverage!